Work here has been moving along. We had a great time on Saturday with all the girls for our "Girls Day" and Fanny led a devotional on loving eachother as sisters, as well as appropriate love between the sexes. 3 of our girls were missing, but we had 7 visitors from church and the community so that was great! We painted nails and then the girls had a chance to read their letters from their sponsors and write back. Of course- we also ate! Our favorite pasttime!
Here is a link to the photos:
Right now I am shifting focus a bit to my trip home. I am leaving in about 2 weeks and I have to try and prepare myself physically and emotionally. I have been struggling with extreme fatigue and lethargy... I am forcing myself to perform basic daily functions. I've also had some random stomach upset in the past few days as well. I don't know if this is a result of stress and worry since I am not letting myself think too hard about the next month but either way it's a tough time.
In other news, I've been thinking about adoption. Obviously this is nothing I am rushing into right now but we can just say the seed has been planted in my mind. There are a lot of factors to think about- pros and con's if you will. The one major pro is that when you live in Zambia, it's much easier and MUCH less expensive to adopt. I know there is the issue of me not being married, but I personally strongly feel that having only a mother is better than having no parents at all. If a child can grow up in a home with a woman who loves them and can care for them- then it's better than growing up in a group of undercared for and undernourised kids.
There is a single girl here who is exactly my age who's been fostering her daughter for adoption. She came before she was 25 which is why shes been fostering for so long, you have to be 25 to adopt.
Anyway, this is something I'll think about for the future. I have my health concerns and some other things to sort out before I get into it but it is something I'll start praying about now as I move forward in life.
Please keep me in prayer as I wind up work here in the next two weeks and then head back to the states for a short time.